(18) STI Special Edition Texican with Ironwood Burl
(17) French Walnut on a Blackhawk
(16) French walnut on a Blackhawk
(15) Ruger Blackhawk with Bighorn
(14) This classic Ruger Single Six is a great revolver, however it like so many has a grip frame edge that was rounded over at the factory. Image 13 shows the completed grip that helps cover that rounded edge for a cleaner appearance. The other side was similar.
(13) The wood is French walnut.
(12) Snakewood on a Freedom Arms. This is one of the rarest woods.
(11) Dall Sheep horn on a Ruger.
(10) Bighorn on Freedom Arms 83
(9) Bighorn
(8) A USFA with one piece Ivory stocks.
(7) A Colt with beautiful Ivory in a one piece stock. A beautiful set of custom handgun grips.
(6) Exhibition French walnut one piece grip off the frame.
(5) A USFA single action army with a beautiful piece of Turkish walnut.
(4) A Colt with one piece stock viewed from the back.
(3) A Colt Centennial with a one piece stock of Stone Sheep horn.
(2) A Freedom Arms 97 with exhibition Turkish walnut.
(1) Blackhawk with a wonderful piece of exhibition Bastogne walnut.
(23) Ironwood on Ruger Bisley
(22) Bowen Classic Arms Bisley with Birdseye Maple
(21) French walnut
(20) Ruger Bisley with Big Leaf Maple
(19) Ruger Bisley with Bighorn
(18) Ruger Bisley with Bighorn
(17) Ruger Bisley with Musk Ox
(16) Ruger Bisley with French walnut
(15) Musk Ox. As you can see this material has a lot of character.
(14) Custom Bisley handgun grips in amazing exhibition French walnut. One of the most beautiful pieces of wood I have ever worked with.
(13) A close up of the left panel.
(12) A beautiful Bowen Classic Arms Ruger in 500 Linebaugh with AAA stabilized Bastogne walnut. Note the octagon barrel.
(11) A superb piece of exhibition Black walnut on a Ruger.
(10) A Ruger with AAA French walnut.
(9) Nice AAA Claro walnut.
(8) Dall Sheep horn.
(7) A Ruger Bisley with exhibition Claro walnut.
(6) A Bisley with Dall Sheep horn.
(5) A Colt Bisley with Circassian walnut stocks. This picture shows the raised edge with bevel.
(4) Ruger Bisley with Bighorn
(3) Ruger Bisley by Bowen. Grip material is Bighorn Sheep.
(2) The liner is made from Redheart which is naturally this red color. The request here was for the grip to have a slight contour along the backstrap to help spread out surface area to help with recoil.
(1) Image 1 & 2 are a set of exhibition Turkish walnut stocks with a blind escutcheon left panel that also features a red liner.
(12) Ruger Redhawk with Dall Sheep horn
(11) Ruger Redhawk with Bighorn
(10) A S&W Heavy Duty with diamond checkering 22 LPI with medallion.
(9) Ivory on a S&W 29. The other is a USFA in 38-40 Win.
(8) Right side of the Colt Python in image 7.
(7) Stone Sheep horn on a Colt Python. The nicest piece of horn I have worked with to date.
(6) This S&W K22 has AAA French walnut with 22 LPI checkering with a diamond pattern and medallion. A nice piece of French walnut like this is perfect for a checkered stock since the black streaks show through the checkering very nicely.
(5) A beautiful blued Redhawk from Bowen Classic Arms with exhibition French walnut.
(4) A nice little S&W 36 with exhibition French walnut Magna grips.
(3) A Bowen Classic Arms Ruger Redhawk. Dall Sheep horn stocks with a non-glare finish.
(2) A Ruger Speed Six. Magna style Dall Sheep horn stocks.
(1) Two Redhawks with horn. Musk Ox on the left and Dall Sheep on the right.
(18) SW with Musk Ox
(17) A Colt King Cobra with exhibition Claro walnut.
(16) A Smith 629 with AAA French walnut. The wood pattern came together almost seamlessly along the front strap.
(15) S&W 19 with exhibition French walnut.
(14) Exhibition Claro walnut. The revolver is chambered for the 458 Maximum.
(13) Smith & Wesson in AAA French walnut.
(12) Images 11 & 12 show a Phillips & Rodgers Medusa with Dall Sheep horn stocks.
(10) A Smith 629 with exhibition French walnut.
(9) This Dan Wesson was a unique project given it’s unusual grip frame.
(8) The “spike” style frame poses a challenge for those wanting to stock this fine revolver.
(7) Images 6 & 7 show how the grain seems to flow from one panel to the other. The wood blank was selected to make this flow as uninterupted as possible, since the two panels are actually epoxied together to make a one piece grip that slides on and off. It attaches to the frame with a screw through the bottom of the grip in the same way the factory stock attaches.
(4) Images 3 & 4 show a very unique and clever treatment to the top of these S&W model 19 stocks. Although I made these grips for my customer, the design credit belongs to Mr. Ross Seyfried.
(3) After much trial, Mr. Seyfried landed on this design as his personal favorite for a S&W. Look at the left side panel pictured here and you will see a thumb rest for a more secure hold on long shots.
(2) The original grips made by Mr. Seyfried are pictured here. He made these to fit one of his N frames, which he sold to one of his friends. This gentleman sent them to me so I could fashion the 19 stocks. A very cool project indeed!
(1) Reverse side of the original grips in Image 2.
Semi Auto Pistols
(9) Les Baer with Bighorn
(8) Exhibition French walnut.
(7) Issue 45 with Ivory panels.
(6) Right panel of previous Ruger Mark II.
(5) A Ruger Mark II with exhibition French walnut and a custom checkering pattern in 22 LPI.
(4) This Les Baer has panels of Snakewood, one of the rarest woods.
(3) Dall Sheep horn on a 1911.
(2) 1911
(1) The 1911 showing the wrap at the bottom of the grips.
Unique Projects
(6A) A unique Redhawk project: African blackwood with redheart wood liner, diamond inlay of dall sheep horn, blind screw left panel and 24LPI checkering.
(5) Freedom Arms mini next to a 500 Linebaugh cartridge.
(4) A Freedom Arms mini with Musk Ox. The request was for just big enough to get a 2nd finger on the grip.
(3)Super Redhawk cont.
(2) Super Redhawk cont.
(1) The first Super Redhawk I have done. The “spike” grip poses some unique challenges. The owner of this Bowen Classic Arms SR is in Alaska and wanted a nice looking set of stocks that could handle some moisture so this French walnut is stabilized.